Thursday, April 16, 2009

An Invitation to you to “Disturb the Universe” at Lunchtime

In a link up with the Academy of American Poets, Galway City Library is participating in a month long April-is-Poetry-Month project. The lines “Do I dare disturb the universe” from the famous Prufrock poem by TS Eliot has been chosen by the Academy as a theme.
The City Library invites you to disturb the universe with an open invitation to everyone to visit the City Library on any day during April and read either your favourite poem or a poem you yourself have written.
There will be a podium in place at 1.30 each day for readers who wish to participate. If you wish to participate in this please hand your name and mobile phone number in at the City Library desk with the date on which you propose to read. Or you may email…

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