Tuesday, May 02, 2006

“Everyone should have a library to love…………..”

Galway Public Libraries for BOOKS and IDEAS.

Readers may be interested in the following books which have been added to stock at Galway City Library

The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch, by Kenneth Koch, Alfred A. Knopf, 2005
Includes "The Art of Poetry," in which Koch provides a list of questions for the poet to pose before deciding if a poem is ready to be "released," beginning with "Is it astonishing?" Keeping this in mind as one reads Koch's works, and sensing all the hard work, soul searching, and playfulness involved in creating his nimble, uplifting, and wise poems, one decides that they are, indeed, astonishing.
Wise Men and Their Tales, by Elie Wiesel, Schocken Books, 2003
A master teacher gives us his fascinating insights into a wide range of biblical events, then asks questions about the personalities that people them. Why did Lot's wife look back? His explorations, drawing on the collective wisdom of prophets, rabbis, and scholars from the earliest days to the present, are endlessly illuminating. Wiesel is a fine storyteller, and the general reader will be captivated.

Questions of Life: An Invitation to Philosophy, by Fernando Savater, Polity, 2002
The awareness of death is what turns life into a very serious business for each of us, into something mysterious and awesome. How am I going to answer the questions that life suggests to me. In his discussion of concepts such as beauty, time and language, Savater frequently refers to earlier philosophers in a way that brings their ideas to life and shows their enduring relevance. An elegant and straightforward book.

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