Galway Libraries ran a very successful Summer Reading Challenge this year. We have been involved in promoting reading during the summer for the last twenty years and with the Reading Agency for the last five.
This year’s theme “Space Hop” was very popular and provided scope for related activities. Many libraries built their very own space rocket. A group of space hoppers from Galway City Library visited the space centre in NUIG. - 3,265 children participated in the Summer Reading Challenge.
- 2,039 Reading Certificates were presented to children who completed the Challenge by reading at least 6 books and visiting the library.
- This was an increase of 25% on the number who completed the challenge last year.
- 24 Branch Libraries participated
- 70,426 children’s books were issued during July and August, making them the busiest months of the year.
An OECD Report in 2002 concluded that children who read for pleasure do better in school. The Summer Reading Challenge is all about reading for pleasure. We encourage children to explore books, helping them to choose and discover books that appeal to them.
Each Branch Library held a Presentation Party at the end of the summer.
The Mayor Cllr. Jimmy McClearn presented Reading Certificates in seven Branch Libraries (see images above). The parties are a great celebration for the children, their parents and also the Library Staff.